Sunday, July 10, 2011

This is why we don't go to bars, Emily...

So this weekend is my friend, Emily's birthday fun time weekend. She and her boyfriend came over to celebrate, and do fun things for her birthday, which is tomorrow. We rented some movies, watched The Lovely Bones, and then decided that it was time for food. Em decided on going to Spanky's, a local bar which according to her, has an AMAZING chili dog. So we set out and got there around seven, still light outside and the only other people in the bar were regulars, just a couple. Food, including the chili dog was ordered and we were having a good time. Then, about the time we decided to leave, one of the regulars, a man we will call "Natey Lite" came over to our table and sat next to Chris, Em's boyfriend. We had been there for about an hour, and we then spent the next TWO HOURS trapped at the booth with a drunk, slightly suicidal, man whom we had just met. It was interesting to say the least. We heard all about his three kids, his bitch of an ex-wife, his "older woman" friend/wants to be more, about his time in jail, and his alcoholism. It was exactly as much fun as it sounds. We tried to get up and leave half way into it, but he said he would kill himself, so we had to stay for another hour before we finally were able to make it out. And this is why it's the last time we go to a bar with a bitchin chilly dog that Emily just had to have:)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Adventures of a Brain(slightly damaged)

So, I messed up... On several things, but most the most important being that I signed up for orientation at Washburn on June 10th, then thought I signed up for June 24th, and missed it. Life Fail. Then, when I received another letter about signing up, I went to do it, and found that the 24th is full. So now I have to remember July 8th, and that shouldn't be difficult, but it probably will be. Also, it's the second to the last orientation date, which most likely means I will have a smaller choice of classes from which to pick. Ugh. I also totally spaced on telling work about the dates I'm volunteering at Civitan Camp, so now I have to deal with being scheduled to work when I'm also scheduled to volunteer. I'm sure it will all work out, but it is beyond frustrating. The other day, I was having a text conversation with a friend, got interrupted, and completely forgot I had been texting the friend, which meant that in the middle of an important talk, I just didn't reply. Friend Fail. My brain is just shorting regularly. Yet another example is that today is Father's Day. I was supposed to get a card earlier in the week(I already gave him his gift, a new case for his brand new phone), I spaced and so while the parents were at church, I was to go get one . I woke up with a headache and the task fled my mind. I finally made it out and picked them up, but it was close. There isn't much that can be done to improve my brain function, other than daily use of, and I am getting increasingly frustrated with the sieve that is my brain. So to those in my life, I am sorry.I am sorry that daily and special tasks just drop out of my mind. I am especially sorry if what I was supposed to do a nd forgot to do negatively impacted you or your day. It's not at all my intention to crap on the people I love. It's just the way my brain is now and we can only hope that in 5 years(holy CRAP that's a long time from my point of view), like the neuropsychologist said, it will get better. We can only hope.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I think I got into Washburn University! New Student Orientation on the 24th of June! Now I have to pick which Gen Ed to tackle first!


Thank you soo much Emily, for showing me the vid and supplying the pic.:)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So, after an embarrassingly long 7 years, I am graduating high school. I, know, big deal. But it totally is for me! The first two years were ok, I passed most of my classes, I didn't skip too much, and I seemed to do ok. But then junior year happened, and my grades really slipped, and I slowly stopped going. By senior year, I went for the first couple weeks, then lost interest. I went sporadically throughout the rest of the year, but passed most of the classes. My second senior year was much, much worse. I went the first day, maybe week, and stopped. I simply could not handle that everyone I was a senior with, all my friends, were done. They had all graduated. So I dropped out, figuring I would graduate somehow. I enrolled in New Directions Diploma Completion Center. I had 5 credits to complete, two English, two Math, one extra curricular. It took two and a half years, but I finally did it. I am walking the stage in May and applying to college. Finally:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Coming to terms

Now, more than a year after onset, I am coming to terms with the long term complications. I will more than likely always wear AFOs. I will never have the stamina or "grace" that I had before. My joints will occasionally ache and hurt from time to time. I will soldier on and live my life to the fullest. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Home Sweet Hospital

So, it begins again. I'm in Progressive Care Unit at KU Med Center, room 6213. Current thought is that I'm having a recurrence of the GBS or I have CIDP, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, basically chronic GBS. Neither is positive. Nothings really happening tonight, just IV fluids, start IVIG again either tonight or in the morning, and then Lumbar Puncture in the morning. We'll hopefully know more tomorrow after tests and such. It may be that I transfer to a different hospital. We'll see.